Calls > Session 15

15 – Representing the territories of mobility

Co-facilitators: Marie-Christine FOURNY (PACTE), Paule-Annick DAVOINE (LIG), Sonia CHARDONNEL (PACTE), Marie HUYGHE (CITERES) & Laurent CAILLY (CITERES)

In a context of mobility transition, the approaches used by researchers to represent territorial forms of mobility, or more generally the relationships between territory and mobility, evolve very slowly. While inherited representations (commuter flows, catchment areas) persist, new emerging formalisations are attempting to depict situations that may constitute novel aspects of mobility. Beyond the use of metaphors like archipelagos, clusters, polders and notions like living the mobility, it has now become necessary to develop a theoretical framework which could lead to advanced spatial representations (Lajarge & Fourny, forthcoming). Many studies dealing with migration, tourism, transport or daily mobility issues exemplify this need. These studies show how individual mobility experiences contribute to building up territories from mobility spaces (Frétigny, 2013; Lanéelle, 2005). These conceptual representations are helping the push towards the simultaneous development of visualization tools (Adrienko et al., 2008).  In addition, the link between mobility and territory is itself very dependent on the development of digital technologies. By way of example, the use of smartphones is responsible for a connection between space and time (Adoue, 2016), constituting a new territory.

From a visualization point of view, using GPS tracking devices makes it possible to represent mobility patterns and, therefore, the territorial aspects of mobility (Zook et al., 2015; Davoine et al. 2015; Feildel, 2014).


Adoue F., 2016, La mobilité connectée au quotidien. Les usages du smartphone dans les transports en commun franciliens, thèse du laboratoire Ville-Mobilité-transport, soutenue le 30 juin 2016, sous la direction d’Anne Aguilera.
Andrienko G., Andrienko N., Dykes J., Fabrikant S. I., Wachowicz M., 2008, “Geovisualization of dynamics, movement and change: key issues and developing approaches in visualization research”, Information Visualization, 7(3-4), pp. 173-180.
Davoine P.-A., Mathian H., Saint-Marc C., Blaise J.-Y., Kaddouri L., 2015, "The Visual Representations of Territorial Dynamics: Retrospective and Input from New Computing Environments", 27th International Cartographic Conference, August 23-28, 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Feildel B., 2014, « La mobilité révélée par GPS, traces et récits pour éclairer le sens des mobilités », Netcom, 28(1/2), pp. 55-76.
Frétigny J.B., 2013, Les mobilités à l’épreuve des aéroports : des espaces publics aux territorialités en réseau. Les cas de Paris Roissy-Charles de Gaule, Amsterdam Schipol, Francfort-sur-le-Main et Dubaï International, thèse de l’université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.
Lajarge R., Fourny M.C. (dir.) (à paraître), Les sans mots de l’habitabilité et de la territorialité, Grenoble, éd. de l’UGA.
Lanéelle X., 2005, « Réseau social, réseau ferroviaire, mobilités et temporalités », in Montulet B. et al., Travaux et recherches 51, Facultés universitaires St-Louis, Bruxelles, pp.197-206
Zook M., Menno-Jan K., Rein A., 2015, "Geographies of Mobility: Applications of Location-Based Data", International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 29(11), 2 novembre 2015, pp. 1935‑40.

Expected types of paper

Proposals may concern methodological issues such as survey protocols, statistical measurements, and visualization tools enabling the representation and analysis of territories where there is mobility. The questions addressed may be related to the nature of data and sources. Collection and exploratory tools may include GeoWeb (GPS and mobile devices, social network, personal data, etc.), mixed analysis methods (quantitative/qualitative survey, data/Web data) and approaches (objectivity/ subjectivity), as well as the use and production of images (maps, graphs, photos, etc.).
Theoretical and empirical proposals are also welcome. These can include theoretical approaches to discuss new forms of representation or prospective research topics.
This session also aims to stimulate discussions on the close links between methods, tools and theory.

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