Calls > Session 17

17 – Cartographic designs and geovisualization for an innovative representation of territories

Co-facilitators: Christine ZANIN (Géographie-cités), Paule-Annick DAVOINE (LIG) & Marion LE TEXIER (IDEES)

The proposed session focuses on the construction and production of cartographic images or geo-visualization for territorial representation. This question may evoke several interpretations, from the stated objective (or not) of this representation to the use that is actually made of it by local or national actors, institutions and communities, to the modeling and processing of data. In this context, producing images is just as much about participating in the knowledge of territories as contributing to the construction of a discourse around these territories. The themes concerned influence the methods to be used for their analysis and their representation as well as the choice of the types of images produced.

The aim of the proposed session is to allow researchers or any territorial actor to address the question of innovation in the production of images, namely how do you define innovation when it comes to working on the representation of territories? Can technological innovation and the resulting digital images bring new answers, new solutions to territories? What are the innovative models and conceptual frameworks that underlie these images? How do you produce coherent and effective images with massive but often incomplete data? Can territorial analysis be reinforced by the production of very different images? Can discourse and decision-making on a territory be influenced by the production of certain types of images?


Commenges H., Giraud T., Lambert N., 2016, “ESPON FIT: Functional Indicators for Spatial-Aware Policy-Making”, Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization, 51(3), pp. 127-136.
Davoine P.-A., Mathian H., Saint-Marc C., Blaise J-Y, Kaddouri L., 2015, "The Visual Representations of Territorial Dynamics: Retrospective and Input from New Computing Environments", 27th International Cartographic Conference, August 23-28, 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Hoarau C., 2015, Représentations cartographiques intermédiaires : comment covisualiser une carte et une orthophotographie pour naviguer entre abstraction et réalisme ?, thèse de doctorat sous la direction de S. Mustière, Université Paris Est.
Lambert N., Ysebaert R., Zanin C., 2015, « Comprendre le territoire européen : Deux outils cartographiques à l’appui de la réflexion en aménagement du territoire », L’information géographique, vol. 79, A. Colin, pp. 45-54.
MacEachren A. M., Gahegan M., Pike W. et al., 2004, "Geovisualization for Knowledge Construction and Decision Support", IEEE computer graphics and applications, 24(1), pp. 13-17.
MacEachren A. M., 2004, How maps work Representation, Visualization, and design, New York, Guilford.
Saumur I., 2012, « Cartographier, le pouvoir suprême »,
Mericsay B., 2017, « La cartographie à l'heure du Géoweb : Retour sur les nouveaux modes de représentation spatiale des données numériques. Cartes & Géomatique », Comité français de cartographie, 2016, La sémiologie dans tous les sens Temps, Art & Cartographie, n° 229-230, pp. 37-50.
Zanin C., Lambert N., 2012, « La multireprésentation cartographie. Exemple de l’Atlas interactif des régions européennes », Bulletin du CFC, n° 213, pp. 39-64.
Jegou L., Deblonde J.-P., 2012, « Vers une visualisation de la complexité de l’image cartographique », Cybergeo, n° 600.

Expected types of paper

Communications are open to all territorial themes and may focus not only on new types of images, relating to either cartographic design or geovisualisation, but also on the processes and models underlying their construction, as well as their perception and uses. Communications of a theoretical, methodological, conceptual or applied nature will be welcome, as will presentations on experiments.

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