Presentation > Previous conferences

CIST2011 - Founding territorial sciences

Organised in Paris from the 23rd to the 25th of Novembre 2011 in Ecole nationale supérieure de Chimie, CIST founding conference ambitioned to create the interdisciplinary field of the territorial sciences in France and include it wihtin existing foreign research networks.

Over a hundred communications were submitted, amongst which some 60 were selected by the scientific committee. The 90 interventions were organised in six plenary and twenty-four parallel sessions.
The conference gathered over 200 participants, forcing the organisation committee to reject some registrations due to the lack of space. The conference public mainly came from the social sciences with over twenty represented disciplines, and half of the participants from geography and land-use planning.
A third of the conference public came from outside Ile-de-France and some twenty from outside France, which enabled to discuss similar foreign experiments such as what was developped by the University of California with its Center for spatially integrated social science (Helen Couclelis) or the "territorial sciences" formalised by Quebec universities (CRDT, Université de Laval, Bruno Jean et Nick Chrisman). Experiments in Italy (Roberto Camagni, Politecnico di Milano) and Germany (Christian Schulz, Université de Luxembourg) were also presented.

Some communications got published in the 1st book of the "Collection du CIST" series in Karthala (P. Beckouche, C. Grasland, F. Guérin-Pace & J.-Y. Moisseron (dir.), Fonder les sciences du territoire, Karthala, 2012).
All the long summaries of presented communications have been printed in the proceedings as well as presented in the CIST2011 sub-collection on the open archive platform HAL.
Read the conference report (in French).

CIST2014 - Frontiers and boundaries of territorial sciences

Organised in Paris on March 27th and 28th 2014, the 2nd international conference of the CIST (CIST2014) aimed to clear new and uncharted ground in this area, while reinforcing existing links between CIST scientific areas and involved disciplines.

The conference gathered together 160 participants, amongst whom 30 from foreign institutions. At the end of the 1st day of the conference, the GIS hold its General Meeting; the report (with complementary arguments reaching the CIST until mid-April 2014) can be found at the end of the general report of the conference (in French).

Apart from the printed proceedings, with all the communications presented during parallel sessions, whose long summaries are online in the CIST2014 sub-collection on the open archive platform HAL, some communications have been published in a book in Karthala (F. Guérin-Pace & É. Mesclier (coord.), Territoires et mobilisations contemporaines. Regards sur un phénomène planétaire, Karthala, 2016) as well as in various journals (Revue du développement territorial RDT, thematic features in Mappemonde and L'Espace géographique).
The videos of some communications and plenary sessions are also online.

CIST2016 - Looking for territories?

The first two CIST conferences addressed a number of theoretical and practical issues in the territorial sciences. The third edition of the conference (CIST2016), held in Grenoble on March 17th and 18th March 2016, continued this tradition by examining the expectations of citizens, inhabitants, and public and private bodies with respect to territories.

This two-part event presented both a scientific conference, with 80 communications selected by the scientific committee and organised in 21 sessions and sub-sessions, and debates and discussions with the actors who make territories: public bodies who participate in the French territorial reorganisation, those who follow and deal with its development; private stakeholders who follow some expectations for territories, those handling relationships work towards finding solutions; groups who representent specific categories of territory expectations, those who formalise them and have other needs rise.
All in all, over 300 people, academics and stakeholders, participated in the conference, amongst which 77 coming from foreign institutions.

The proceedings were printed, and the long summaries of the communications are on line in the CIST2016 sub-collection on the open archive platform HAL.
A book is planned in Karthala.
Filmed interviews and videos of the plenary sessions are also on line.

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