About CIST

A French scientific interest group (groupement d'intérêt scientifique GIS) set up in 2010, transformed in a research federation as of 1st January 2017Collège international des sciences du territoire - logo

Under the supervision of French CNRS, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris Diderot, Grenoble Alpes and Rouen universities, INED and IRD, and in partnership with ADEME, CGET, IAU île-de-France, the International College of Territorial Sciences (Collège international des sciences territoriales - CIST) gathers 23 research units.

Contributing to the formalisation of a transdisciplinary research area

Its scientific ambition is to contribute to formalizing a transdisciplinary research area, the "territorial sciences". In order to achieve this, it approaches as much the humanities and social sciences (geography, demography, economics, law, political sciences, sociology, history, archeology...), as earth sciences (climatology, geology, biology...), health sciences or engineering sciences (modelisation, geomatics...).

9 scientific areas

CIST activities are structured around 9 scientific areas and cross-area projects, in connection with its research units.
- Actions and territorialisations
- Agricultures, territories and sustainable development
- Biodiversity and territories
- Local territorial information
- Medias and territories
- Mobilities, identities and territories
- Regionalizations in the world
- Risks and territories
- Territories and health.

You can subscribe to one or more CIST scientific areas with a view to actively participate or just to be kept informed of their activités.

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