Calls > Session 6

6 – TERRIT’ARTS. Reinventing places through art; rethinking art with space

Co-facilitators: Pauline GUINARD (LAVUE-Mosaïques) & Sylvain GUYOT (Passages)

Our aim in this session is to study interrelationships and hybridizations between art and geography. Interest in such dynamics began 20 years ago and has continued since then in various meetings and publications, especially in France. The links between art and geography are not only one-way. They are characterized by interactions and hybridizations, consubstantial with the aesthetic relationship linking art and place. Artistic interventions can drive territorialization processes (‘artialisations’, aestheticization, tourism development, spatial development etc.). Similarly, a specific place can inspire, locate or generate an artistic practice (land art, artistic cartography, art in public space, etc.).  Beyond these processes, we may also observe the formulation of hybrid experiments between art and geography: art can be included in territorial development processes or it can be used in the conception of aesthetic and sensitive mapping, allowing artists and geographers to express themselves and to jointly understand a place or places. Art is then not only an object of study for geographers but also a means for producing alternative geographical knowledge. We hope that this session will renew the dialogue between artists interested by place and space, and geographers interested by art in different contexts (urban/rural, developed countries, the global South, etc.). We would therefore like to invite artist-geographers who are attempting individually or collectively to work on new forms of hybridization (via transdisciplinary research projects, shared practices, etc.) to participate in this session.


Blanc N., Regnauld H., 2015, « La géographie peut-elle être un art plastique comme un autre ? », L’Information géographique, n° 4, pp. 97-108.
Guyot S. (coord.), à paraître, numéro spécial de la Revue de géographie alpine, « La mise en art des espaces montagnards dans le monde ».
Guinard P., Tratnjek B., 2016, « Géographies des émotions », Carnets de géographes, n° 9,
Guyot S., 2015, Lignes de front : l’art et la manière de protéger la nature, HDR de géographie, Université de Limoges.
Guyot S., Guinard P., 2015, « L’art de (ré)imaginer l’Afrique du Sud », L’Information géographique, 79(4), pp. 70-96.
Hawkins H., 2011, "Dialogues and Doings: Sketching the Relationships Between Geography and Art: Dialogues and doings", Geography Compass, 5(7), pp. 464-478.
Mekdjian S. et al., 2014, « Figurer les entre-deux migratoires : pratiques cartographiques expérimentales entre chercheurs, artistes et voyageurs », Carnets de géographes, no 7.
Molina G., Guinard P. (dir.), à paraître, numéro spécial de la revue Articulo, « Arts in Cities - Cities in Arts ».
Olmedo E., 2015, Cartographie sensible. Tracer une géographie du vécu par la recherche-création, thèse de doctorat, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.
Volvey A., 2014, « Entre l’art et la géographie, une question (d’)esthétique », Belgeo. Revue belge de géographie, no 3.

Expected types of paper

We expect original presentations in terms of the art forms considered (performances, representations and artistic images, maps, etc.) as well as in terms of their theoretical background and methodological aspects (be it because of their fieldwork, the type of research projects they are part of, or the geo-artistic experiments they envisage). Pending consent of the CIST organisers, proposals for communications might also give rise to an extension of activities beyond the session in the form of performances, collective experiments or implementation workshops.

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