Programme > Detailed planning

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Time Event (+)
19:00 - 21:00 Welcoming drink in Rouen Town Hall (Mairie)  

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Time Event (+)
08:00 - 09:00 Reception of participants  
09:00 - 09:30 Opening conference (Amphi 400)  
09:30 - 11:00 S17.1 Cartographic designs and geovisualization for an innovative representation of territories (Salle C123) - Marion Le Texier (+)  
09:30 - 11:00 S6.1 TERRIT'ARTS. Reinventing places through art; rethinking art with space - Pauline Guinard & Sylvain Guyot (+)  
09:30 - 11:00 S1.1 Territorial struggles and social representations (Amphi B150) - Laurent Beauguitte & Marta Severo (+)  
09:30 - 11:00 S2.1 The proliferation of territories. Efficacy of territorial engineering versus political legitimacy (Amphi 400) - Sylvia Calmes-Brunet & Yann Richard (+)  
09:30 - 11:00 S5.1 Spatial and temporal shortcuts in the representation of 'priority areas' (Salle C122) - Julie Vallée (+)  
11:00 - 11:15 Coffee break  
11:15 - 12:45 S17.2 Cartographic designs and geovisualization for an innovative representation of territories (Salle C123) - Paule-Annick Davoine (+)  
11:15 - 12:45 S6.2 TERRIT'ARTS. Reinventing places through art; rethinking art with space (Amphi A150) - Pauline Guinard & Sylvain Guyot (+)  
11:15 - 12:45 S1.2 Territorial struggles and social representations (Amphi B150) - Laurent Beauguitte & Marta Severo (+)  
11:15 - 12:45 S2.2 The proliferation of territories. Efficacy of territorial engineering versus political legitimacy (Amphi 400) - Sylvia Calmes-Brunet & Yann Richard (+)  
11:15 - 12:45 S5.2 Spatial and temporal shortcuts in the representation of 'priority areas' (Salle C122) - Julie Vallée (+)  
12:45 - 14:00 Lunch  
14:00 - 15:45 S3 Web data and territorial representations (Amphi A150) - Bernard Elissalde, Marianne Guérois & Malika Madelin (+)  
14:00 - 15:45 Varia 1 (Salle C122) - Clarisse Didelon-Loiseau (+)  
14:00 - 15:45 S1.3 Territorial struggles and social representations (Amphi B150) - Laurent Beauguitte & Marta Severo (+)  
14:00 - 15:45 S2.3 The proliferation of territories. Efficacy of territorial engineering versus political legitimacy (Amphi 400) - Sylvia Calmes-Brunet & Yann Richard  
14:00 - 15:45 Magrit presentation (Salle C123) - Timothée Giraud, Nicolas Lambert, Matthieu Viry, Ronan Ysebaert  
15:45 - 16:00 Coffee break  
16:00 - 18:00 Plenary round table - Comment les sciences humaines se représentent les territoires ? - Jean-Pierre GIROD (président du Parc naturel régional des Boucles de la Seine), Romain PASQUIER (DR en sciences politiques, Rennes), Anne-Thida NORODOM (PU de droit international, Université Paris Descartes), André TORRE (DR en économie, INRA) (Amphi 400) - Discutant : Sylvain Allemand  
18:15 - 20:00 Round table - Rouen, construire l'identité métropolitaine - Catherine MORIN-DESAILLY (sénatrice, conseillère régionale de Normandie, conseillère municipale de Rouen), Sylvain AMIC (directeur de la Réunion des musées métropolitains de Rouen), Jacques-Sylvain KLEIN (commissaire général du 1er festival Normandie Impressionniste 2010, délégué général de l'association La Maison Sublime de Rouen), Philippe EUDELINE (président de Normandie AeroEspace, directeur Technologie et Innovation de Thales Air Systems), Thierry RABILLER (rédacteur en chef de Paris Normandie) (H2O - Panorama XXL) - Discutant : Arnaud Brennetot
20:00 - 22:00 Fondation Flaubert Cocktail (H2O - Panorama XXL)  

Friday, March 23, 2018

Time Event (+)
08:30 - 09:00 Reception of participants  
09:00 - 10:45 S12.1 Representing ancient territories. Structuring of 'archeo-territories' and spatial dynamics in archeology (Salle C122) - Damase Mouralis, Carole Nehme & Dominique Todisco (+)  
09:00 - 10:45 S10.1 Health representations and territorial practices (Amphi A150) - Clélia Gasquet-Blanchard, Virginie Chasles & Alain Vaguet (+)  
09:00 - 10:45 S14.1 Memories of (un)desirable territories: Looking at metropolitan transformation through the lens of local identities (Amphi B150) - Adriana Diaconu & Grégory Busquet (+)  
09:00 - 10:45 S4.1 Representing territories: revealed values of territories (Amphi 400) - Caroline Tafani, Claudio Detotto & Dominique Prunetti (+)  
09:00 - 12:45 Atelier de cartographie expérimentale (Salle C121) - Anne-Christine Bronner & Florence Troin  
10:45 - 11:00 Coffee break  
11:00 - 12:45 S12.2 Representing ancient territories. Structuring of 'archeo-territories' and spatial dynamics in archeology (Salle C122) - Damase Mouralis, Carole Nehme & Dominique Todisco (+)  
11:00 - 12:45 S10.2 Health representations and territorial practices (Amphi A150) - Clélia Gasquet-Blanchard, Virginie Chasles & Alain Vaguet (+)  
11:00 - 12:45 S14.2 Memories of (un)desirable territories: Looking at metropolitan transformation through the lens of local identities (Amphi B150) - Adriana Diaconu & Grégory Busquet (+)  
11:00 - 12:45 S4.2 Representing territories: revealed values of territories (Amphi 400) - Caroline Tafani, Claudio Detotto & Dominique Prunetti (+)  
12:45 - 14:00 Lunch  
14:00 - 15:45 S16.1 Representing territories in simulation models (Salle C122) - Arnaud Banos & Marion Le Texier (+)  
14:00 - 15:45 S13.1 Territories and fiction: from construction to reception and appropriation (Amphi A150) - Alfonso Pinto, Géraldine Molina & Bertrand Pléven (+)  
14:00 - 15:45 S15.1 Representing the territories of mobility (Salle C123) - Marie-Christine Fourny, Paule-Annick Davoine, Sonia Chardonnel, Marie Huyghe & Laurent Cailly (+)  
14:00 - 15:45 S7.1 Marketing and staging territories: material representations and reactions (Amphi B150) - Pascale Nédélec & Laura Péaud (+)  
14:00 - 15:45 Varia 2 (Salle C121) - Arnaud Brennetot (+)  
15:45 - 16:00 Coffee break  
16:00 - 17:45 S16.2 Representing territories in simulation models (Salle C122) - Clémentine Cottineau & Sébastien Rey Coyrehourcq (+)  
16:00 - 17:45 S13.2 Territories and fiction: from construction to reception and appropriation (Amphi A150) - Alfonso Pinto, Géraldine Molina & Bertrand Pléven (+)  
16:00 - 17:45 S15.2 Representing the territories of mobility (Salle C123) - Marie-Christine Fourny, Paule-Annick Davoine, Sonia Chardonnel, Marie Huyghe & Laurent Cailly (+)  
16:00 - 17:45 S7.2 Marketing and staging territories: material representations and reactions (Amphi B150) - Pascale Nédélec & Laura Péaud (+)  
16:00 - 17:45 S9 Territoriality and the European Union. Representing territories within the EU (Amphi 400) - Lydia Lebon & Sylvia Calmes-Brunet (+)  
17:55 - 18:15 Restitution - atelier Sentinelles de métaphores spatiales (Amphi 400) - Françoise Bahoken, Yann Calbérac, Laurent Jégou & Thierry Joliveau  
18:15 - 18:20 Closing talk (Amphi 400) - Arnaud Brennetot & Clarisse Didelon-Loiseau  
18:30 - 20:00 Round table (Amphi 400) - Discutant : Sylvain Allemand

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Time Event (+)
09:00 - 09:30 Reception of participants  
09:30 - 11:30 Round table - L'Europe, un territoire en crise de représentations - Sylvia CALMES-BRUNET (MCF en droit public, CUREJ / Université de Rouen), Clarisse DIDELON-LOISEAU (PU de géographie, Géographie-cités / Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), Yann RICHARD (PU de géographie, Prodig / Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), Carole NIVARD (MCF en droit public, CUREJ / Université de Rouen), Christian VANDERMOTTEN (PR ordinaire émérite, Université libre de Bruxelles, Éditeur de la revue Belgéo) (Amphi B250) - Discutant : Arnaud Brennetot
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